4/12 Begin the day on the lower east side having brunch with Nicole. in the afternoon join a Literary Pub Crawl through the west village. visit the site of Dylan Thomas's legendary 18 whiskey bender, the spot where Thomas Payne died, the pharmacy with 4 addresses where Edgar Allen Poe bought his head cold medication, and a rallying (and rioting) point of the gay rights movement. Go straight from last pub to birthday party of 7 year old in Ironbound Newark. (Not as weird as it sounds, it was for Nikki's cousin Sophia and I was invited)
4/13 attend the extremely disappointing Ny Coffee and Tea Festival, leave after 45 minutes to walk anywhere with coffee. Browse an outdoor market where I but a silver flask the size of a medieval breastplate for $10.
4/14 work/exercise/sleep- receive Credenciales for the Camino de Santiago
4/15 practice oxy-acetylene, and a bit of MiG welding. Pick up 2 anatomy books from the art students' league bookstore. Acquire a roll of irish wool from a crater in 7th ave disguised as an ancient fabric store that didn't have employees, just customers who may or may not have passed whatever you are looking for. Visit Lederhosen, an uber authentic sausage and bierhaus that serves black lager in 2 liter boot-shaped glasses.
4/16 french tutoring, sumi-e class, enroll in the Beer Judge Certification Program: Exam date: September 20.
4/17 order my stone seal for ink paintings with my japanese name meaning gem protector or bouncy ball depending on how you mispronounce it. Buy a sheet of perforated steel from De Lorenzo Bros welding supply near canal street; carry said sheet of steel 23 blocks to Nikki's dorm. Return to lederhosen with Nikki for a wurst education date and another boot. Begin construction of my first bowtie.
Today I met Nikki in central park to climb on some rocks and smoke hookah at the top overlooking the west side of the park. I then headed to the east village music store to purchase a harmonica so that the newly formed musical side of my brain doesn't return to its smooth-as-glass state while i travel.