Monday, May 31, 2010

Bizzare Day

Today I awoke in a hammock, after my room mates' dog browned up my bed-sheets with some hideous musty dog goo. I let the her outside and saw that the air was full of smoke for some reason and figured that the neighbors were burning snow tires, or something equally incomprehensible but apparently reasonable to those living their whole lives on a dirt road in Vermont.

When I drove to town I saw that the smoke extended for miles both North and South on the highway, filling the Connecticut river valley, even obscuring the tops of the what passes for mountains in the northeast. Then I remembered Memorial Day and thought MAYBE this was a sign of the greatest Mass Grilling in history. Or maybe graduation related and someone finally torched the Baker Berry Library at Dartmouth. Sadly, neither is the case, and apparently this is, as the local weather people put it "HAZE."

Anyway, as i walked into school I saw this gigantic fuzzy not-moving thing that turned out to be the biggest and most elaborately patterned moth that I've ever seen, just lying near this loading dock behind the med school like it made perfect sense. I brought it inside to take a picture and realized that their was something poetic in the image of a huge, strangely beautiful, dead moth. And being too lazy to write something of my own, I suspected that if any poet had ever mused cleverly over a moth that Emily Dickinson would be that person. 3 seconds on Google and. Oila', poem number 841:
A Moth the hue of this
Haunts Candles in Brazil.
Nature's Experience would make
Our Reddest Second pale.

Nature is fond, I sometimes think,
Of Trinkets, as a Girl. "

Exactly what I was thinking. But said with much less profanity. Thanks ED!

And now, somehow, it's 5 pm. Either this strange memorial day in 2010 is coincidently the Haziest, Mothiest, and Fastest Moving day of my life, or something sinister is afoot. The latter is much more interesting an option.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Neverending Study

I take Step One of the medical licensing boards June 14th, in just under 3 weeks. After about week of downtime sleeping, eating, visiting Nikki, and laundry-doing, I've finally started with my study schedule. It looks like my days will look something like this:

Wake up around 9am

drink a bit of mate'

drive to Hanover, set up shop in the Bone Room (basement room near where the anatomy lab is).

read one of the books I want to have memorized, listening to a symphony for each subject.

Down time for lunch, an hour at the gym.

work on making a model skull in clay while listening to music or boards lectures.

practice questions.

home for dinner

watch a movie.

read again for the next day.

It's actually a lot of fun. Like summer camp designed just for me. The Bone room even looks like the kid's hideout from the Neverending Story, or at least enough like it to amuse me.

I guess 2010 was the cut off for when 'The Future' started...

Creation of first synthetic life form....

Jet Packs cost the price of a luxury SUV

genetic therapy that works

and why not an invisibility cloak?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


found about a billion Morels under the apples trees near the shooting range. Sunny every day, rains every night, napping too much, time passing too quickly.,7014/

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Enter the Spring

Shedule for the impending 3rd year of medicine school:

June 21-23
Block 1: Internal Medicine @ CPMC in San Francisco
June 24- Aug 11
Block 2: Surgery @ White River Junction VT VA hospital
Aug 12- Sep 29
Block 3: OB/GYN @ dunno where
Sep 30 - Nov 17
Block 4: Pediatrics @ 3 weeks Locally, 3 weeks CPMC
BREAK: NOV 18-19, 24-28
Nov 22- Dec 17
Jan 3 - 26
Block 5: Elective
Jan 27 - Mar 16
Block 6: Family medicine locally
Mar 17 - May 4
Block 7: Psychiatry @ WRJ VA hospital
May 5 - June 22