Just arrived in my stop for the evening, a small river town called Portomarin. Like yesterday, the last few miles were barren tarmac. Even having put on sunscreen I can feel the heat radiating off of my skin in a way that means wearing clothing will be painful tomorrow. In kind of a crap mood today. Walking was painful drudgery and I felt like smashing my walking stick over every half kilometer stone waymarker telling me that a cold shower and clean bed were 4 sunstruck, knee-buckling downhill hours away. On a positive note I broke the 100km to go mark this afternoon. I believe I have something like 90 to go , which should bring me into Santiago on the 18th I believe. I have some great shots from the past few days but the last 3 spanish computers I've encountered weren't up to the task of uploading them. Time to see if a shower will improve my dispostion.
A shower and brief nap did help a lot. I also just had a decent meal and managed to find an english book which have both made my afternoon more pleasant. At least now I feel rested. Dunno if I'm ready to face another dozen miles tomorrow though. Maybe after some sleep.
Looking forward to the pictures. Get some rest and hopefully you will feel better.
Santiago is WONDERFUL so get your butt over here man!
I almost cried today talking to people our age who did the Camino and hearing their stories. You have no idea how much I wish I could be in pain with you, man. Miss you buddy.
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