91' Kindergarden
92' 1st grade
97' middle school
2000 High school
2004 1st day at Rutgers
2008 1st day of med school
2010 1st day of NOT SCHOOL
20 years of standing in lines, being told where to go, to clean up my messes, do my homework, eating lunch in cafeterias, putting my things in cubbies and lockers and now finally, freedom...
... "you have locker number 123, keep the locker room clean, wait in line over there for your id, the cafeteria hours are 6-11, WASH YOUR HANDS after going to the bathroom, share the lounge area, be nice, don't throw things..."
and in that spirit of the great tradition of pedagogy, here is a picture of me on my first day of (not) school, in my brand-new grown-up disguise.

still not as sharp looking as this guy though

1 comment:
Ahh, but Mom's so proud!!
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