Friday, April 27, 2012

Here is a quick experiment in Memento Blogging: Where if you hyperlink everything, it becomes like a little flip-book pun maze.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Things to come

Well, I'm surprised that Blog Protective Services hasn't snatched away this site due to neglect, and given it to someone who is a more consistent documenter of life. But since they haven't, I'll update it. Nikki and I now have a Soda Stream, a machine that let's you carbonate your own water for soda etc, thanks to a pile of neglected Macy's giftcards leftover from holidays. I just used it to make a 'Lapsang Souchong and Tarragon Julep', with a touch of smokey scotch. It somehow is good, and if I played with the balance of flavors a bit, might be worth making for people. For whatever reason I've recently been thinking up mixed drinks, almost entirely by accident. And this is happening despite the fact that I typically don't care for coctails. Some of this might be flavor creative blow-off from not brewing beer for some months because of space constraints. anyway, here is a link that you should click on: Today was a good day. made espresso for Nikki slept in late. Put public health lectures on my iphone and walked through park slope to downtown brooklyn. joined a credit union with Nikki. deposited 50 Euro left over from Italy to start them. The tellers were behind bullet-proof plexiglass. They were extremely nice and somehow pronounced my last name right on the first go just from looking at my license, something only 1 in 2.7 people are able to do. After that I walked to the, there's not another word for it -fabulous- , Brooklyn Public Library. There I paid a machine 26$ so that they'd stop sending me grumpy letters. The debt settled, I walked down sunny 7th avenue and bought baby herb plants from a rack in front of an organic food market run entirely by middle aged chinese women apparently. Basil, thyme, and lavender for like, $7...not bad. Got home, dropped the pots next to my sad looking, wounded plants who soldiered out the winter in our studio apartment under a compact fluorescent lightbulb. That includes a fig tree and olive tree somehow. Up the stairs, put on the absurd slippers I wear inside our home- hong kong knockoff plastic-y marshmallow looking fake crocs that I got at a 99 cent store...8 months ago. Anyway, long story short-er I made dinner with: [{Olive Brine^Thyme[Chicken]}: (parsnips,onion,yellow squash)/(Barley+thyme water)]x Pressure Cooker x 15-17 minutes = worth trying. descaled the coffee machina, cleaned up mess I made. mixed some earthworm casting 'tea' for the above-mentioned moribund plants- don't ask. Made the drink above as well. Resurrected the blog. Not bad.