typing in between plates of homemade buff momo. I'm doing this to shatter an obnoxious Canadian's dubious record of 50 vegetable pieces. Today was fantastic. I played in the mud for 2 hours with a broken shovel leveling the soil for the eventual waiting room of the new clinic. Then I visited the Landless clinic which was absolutely amazing. The setting was what I had imagined when I signed up to come here: sewage flowing through the dirt street of a shanty town of tents, lean-to's, and tin buildings. The clinic is in the heart of what is essentialy a refugee camp of internally displaced Nepalis due to causes ranging from floods to droughts and communists. I'm going back tomorrow with Stef, a senior UK med student, and my camera because the existence of the place is hard to believe given that it's 100 yards from the comparatively opulent 4 story homes of pepsikola.
Things I've stepped over today:
dead rat
marijuana plant
used syringe
broken bricks
discarded sari
baby chickens
stray dogs
a huge pig
flaming garbage
a 4 inch slug
LOL, dude you are in the middle of what I would say is quite an adventure. If you see and commies, kick em in the nuts for me.
btw, I hope you showed that sug "Canadien" who's boss when it comes to power eating. It's not like he comes from a real country anyway.
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