I am back from Ben Nevis, having summited successfully. But first I want to talk about the sandwich I saw at the burgerking in the Glasgow train station. It's called the 'Big Breakfast Butty' and has eggs, sausage, bacon, bacon, special sauce, and I don't remember what else. It costs $8, and contains 3785 Calories. I'm still speechless. (no I didn't eat one)
Anyway, back to Ben Nevis. I left my campsite at 6:00 am to make my way to the trail head. I had on 3 upper layers and 3 below, as well as a fanny pack with water, granola bars, a compass and map, an emergency blanket, and my camera. Things I lacked that the info desk recommended: gloves and a jacket. It was about 60 degrees when I set out, and after 2 hours when I reached the first plateau featuring a Loch and many many sheep, that had dropped to around 50. The actual summit is hidden by clouds most of the time, making it impossible for me to judge how far it was and ration energy well. So by the time I was about where I had thought the peak was, there were still around 200 meters to go, through snow and ice and winds much stronger than predicted. The Cairn stones marking the route were frozen on the windfacing sides. I made it to the top after nearly turning around twice due to fog and chill. I spent 5 miserable minutes at the summit then turned around, meeting a nice dutch hiker en route who descended with me to the snowline before speeding up to catch a train. All in all the round trip was a little under 5 hours, which was the minimum time quoted to me. I broke camp, then took a glorious, blazing hot shower, before walking into Ft. William to catch the bus to Inverness.
Inverness is a sort of strip-mall town. Literally 88% of the real estate is shopping. I'm taking it easy tonight, then tomorrow I may make it out to Loch Ness which is 6 miles away, or do some other day trip. I'm exhausted right now, but well fed. Haggis is delicious.
I am posting the rest of the photos on my facebook page, which should be accesible to everyone at this link:
1 comment:
I'm soo jealous man but I'm having fun down in Sarasota and will be going on the cruise soon (monday). Can't wait to see you in Paris man. Might not be able to email you again til when I'm in Dublin (June 22) so email me and let me know where we need to meet in Paris! My plane gets in @ 12:55 then I have like an hour/ hour and a half ride to Paris from the airport so we need to plan on 3pmish meeting
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